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Diet & Nutrition

The nutritional status of our patients is a top priority at McKenzie Health System. We know that it takes skill and planning to provide a nourishing, well-balanced, and properly controlled diet. The McKenzie Health System Nutrition Services Team works with you and your physician to create a nutrition plan that is tailored to your individual needs.

We want you to understand how proper nutrition will positively affect your health and equip you with the information and tools you need to eat well for life.

Diet Counseling Services

Our registered dietitian will work with you to develop a personalized nutrition plan. We want to help you improve your physical condition through an appropriate and comprehensive eating plan. McKenzie Health System Nutrition Services Team conducts comprehensive nutritional assessments for patients and identifies goals for improving nutritional intake and health. An individualized plan is developed in cooperation with the patient’s provider to meet the specific medical and lifestyle needs of each patient. Dietary education can be provided if needed.

The Nutrition Services Department also supplies diet counseling services. This individualized counseling is held in a private, confidential setting during hospitalization or can be provided in the outpatient setting.

Community Education

The Nutrition Services Team at McKenzie is involved in many community education programs, and a variety of nutrition-related education programs are offered through McKenzie Health System.

Diabetes Self-Management Education Service (DSMES)

The McKenzie Diabetes Self-Management Education Service (DSMES) is designed to provide the skills and tools needed to aid in the day-to-day management of diabetes and to maintain and increase life’s physical activities. As a result, people will be better equipped to face daily challenges of living with diabetes.